BlueFlag Security Platform

Secure your journey
from code to deployment

Experience unparalleled visibility and control across your SDLC, from developer and machine identities, through developer tools, to code.

Secure your journey from code to deployment
Key Capabilities

Prioritize and remediate critical SDLC risks

Manage developer entitlements

Quickly manage and remediate over permissioned identities

Quickly manage and remediate overpermissioned identities
  • Gain insight into permissions across tools
  • Quickly identify over permissioned identities
  • Analyze permissions for developers and service accounts
  • Clearly visualize identity access paths
  • Remove unnecessary permissions
Quickly manage and remediate overpermissioned identities
Monitor risky developer behavior

Monitor and address risky
developer behaviors

Monitor and address risky developer behaviors
  • Identify unusual high-risk activity patterns
    across tools and identities
  • Monitor for weak tool configuration settings
  • Discover, monitor, and mitigate
    high-risk identities and tools
Monitor and address risky developer behaviors
Fortify your developer tools

Proactively detect risks and
align with CI/CD best practices

Proactively detect risks and align with CI/CD best practices
  • Proactively detect misconfigurations in
    developer tools
  • Align diverse tools with CI/CD best practices
  • Protect the development ecosystem against
    potential risks
  • Identify risks in pipelines via default and
    customizable policies
Proactively detect risks and align with CI/CD best practices
Detect secret leaks

Mitigate risks from leaked
secrets and tokens with default
and customizable alert policies

Mitigate risks from leaked secrets and tokens with default and customizable alert policies
  • Detect and alert on secret leaks
  • Focus on impacted identities and resources
  • Enable custom alert policies based on the secret type
Mitigate risks from leaked secrets and tokens with default and customizable alert policies
Monitor open-source dependencies

Manage open-source software risks
with targeted vulnerability scans,
license compliance checks, and
package health assessments.

Manage open-source software risks with targeted vulnerability scans, license compliance checks, and package health assessments.
  • Identify and prioritize critical vulnerabilities
  • Check and ensure open-source license compliance
  • Assess health and popularity of OSS packages
  • Clearly visualize all OSS dependencies
  • Assign fix of risky package to the responsible developer
Manage open-source software risks with targeted vulnerability scans, license compliance checks, and package health assessments.

BlueFlag Security Platform

Integration + collection

BlueFlag Security seamlessly integrates with your existing developer technology stack.

Intelligence + analysis

AI/ML analytics gathers data, identifies potential security threats, provides context, and offers guided remediation solutions.

AI/ML Analytics

Correlation & normalization

Profile baselining

Outlier & anomaly detection

OSS reputation system

Risk detection

Remediation engine


Policies &

Alerts &

Identity governance

Defend against diverse identity attacks, ranging from credential theft to service account abuse

Excessive permissions

Poor identity hygiene

Risk behavior

CI/CD governance

Bolster security by proactively embedding security within your CI/CD pipeline

Application vulnerabilities

Tool misconfigurations

Poisoned pipeline attacks

Open-Source Software Governance

Confidently integrate open-source software, free from security concerns and compliance burdens

Open-source vulnerabilities

Credentials/secrets leakage

Dependency chain abuse

"BlueFlag represents a game-changer in the SDLC security and governance landscape. Their platform tackles the holy grail of securing the developer landscape: seamlessly integrating identity security, code scanning, and developer tool posture management."

Maverick Ventures

Matt Kinsella

Managing Director, Maverick Ventures

"With BlueFlag’s innovative solution, security teams can feel confident that code is being built in a safe environment, with continuous risk management and up to compliance standards."


Alex Doll

Founder and Managing Member, Ten Eleven Ventures

"Their platform addresses the need for end-to-end SDLC governance, seamlessly integrating essential aspects like identity security, code scanning, and developer tool posture management. This unified approach strengthens security and optimizes development processes, making BlueFlag a valuable asset in the evolving cybersecurity landscape."


Frank Timons

CEO, Pier 88 Investment Partners

"By continuously monitoring and analyzing developer identities throughout the software development lifecycle, BlueFlag's solution holds immense potential for mitigating risks, ensuring adherence to regulations, and fostering a trust-based development environment that caters to the needs of security, governance, and compliance professionals."

Dr Zero Trust

Dr. Chase Cunningham

Cybersecurity Strategist and Host, DrZeroTrust podcast

"Their comprehensive solution effectively addresses these concerns, managing issues like excessive permissions, unauthorized access, and behavioral red flags across human and machine identities. BlueFlag is instrumental in strengthening an organization’s overall SDLC security posture and fostering a more secure development environment."


Prabhath Karanth

SVP, Chief Security and Trust Officer, Greenlight

Frequently asked questions

How customizable is the BlueFlag Security Platform for organizations?


BlueFlag Security offers a high degree of customization for defining security policies, alert policies, and remediation strategies. Organizations can specify what constitutes high-risk behavior, tailor alert policies to their operational context, and set up custom remediation strategies based on the sensitivity of the information. This level of customization ensures that security measures align closely with an organization's specific needs and risk tolerance.

What is the performance impact of implementing BlueFlag Security?


The BlueFlag Security Platform is designed with performance in mind, employing efficient algorithms and AI/ML analytics to minimize its footprint on development pipelines and tool responsiveness. It aims to conduct thorough security monitoring and analysis without introducing significant delays or overhead, ensuring that security measures enhance rather than hinder development efficiency.

How does BlueFlag Security support regulatory compliance and standards?


BlueFlag Security aids compliance with key standards and regulations such as CIS, SOC 2, ISO 27001, and NIST 800-218 by automating the integration of industry standards into the development process. It offers streamlined compliance reporting, making demonstrating adherence to regulatory requirements and internal policies easier. The platform's comprehensive approach covers developer and machine identities, developer tools, open-source software, and all CI/CD risks, ensuring a full spectrum of compliance.

What does the cost structure of the BlueFlag Security Platform look like?


The cost structure of the BlueFlag Security Platform is designed to be adaptive, accommodating the unique requirements of various organizations based on the number of developer identities managed. Operating as a SaaS platform, we offer subscription-based pricing. Additionally, custom pricing arrangements are available for larger enterprises or those in need of specialized integrations and services.

What effort is required to deploy the BlueFlag Security platform?


Deploying the BlueFlag Security platform typically takes less than an hour. It can be swiftly integrated with your DevOps tech stack, providing full visibility into your SDLC process. Once data is ingested, customers can immediately realize the value of the BlueFlag Security platform.

How can we engage with BlueFlag Security?


Our engagement typically starts with a complimentary No-Obligation Risk Assessment. In this process, we conduct a thorough audit to uncover issues in the SDLC's implemented controls, particularly in areas of security configurations, access/entitlements, and open-source software risks. Following the audit, we offer targeted recommendations for improvements. This initial step allows companies to recognize the value our platform brings quickly. For more details or to start an engagement, please contact us at

Secure your software development life cycle